To describe baisa is like an unattainable attempt to describe the extent of the universe. Let's take an example, A person has a ft. long stick, it will completely drown in the ocean and he will conclude that the ocean is 1ft. deep. Other has 2ft. long stick he will believe that the depth is 2ft. Hence a person understands Baisa's devotion according to his own intellect, however Manju Baisa and her devotion can't be expressed in 26 alphabets of English. Baisa always welcomes everyone with open hands and solves their problem and brings everyone to the path of DHARMA, she never asks anything in return from the devotees other than BHAKTI towards Babosa Bhagwan. Her smiling face has the great sense of serenity to comfort anyone and everyone. Her blessing hand is enough to feel the warmth of motherhood. She is an epitome of love, and embodiment of devotion. She instils within us a sense of hope. She has enlightened many lost and troubled souls. Once in her...